New Lettuce

I’m starting to harvest a new bed of baby lettuce for salad mix. You can see I cut some of this the other day. Our teenage employees went through this bed really fast and didn’t do a great job of weeding, so a bunch of the romaine is folded to one side from me going through and weeding it again. The next bed of lettuce is several weeks behind: you can see it just starting to come up in the background.

Looking down a bed of baby lettuce from about a foot off the ground. Some of the nearest variety (romaine) has beet cut off. A row of 15-inch stakes with micro-sprinklers line the path in the background, and on the other side of that is a mostly-bare bed with little green lines of tiny plants.

Some people mix the seed together (or you can buy lettuce seed mixes) and plant them all together, but I find that they grow at slightly different speeds and are susceptible to different diseases, so it’s worth growing them separately even if it takes longer to plant. We can also wash and sort the harvested lettuce noticeably faster while also doing a better job if the varieties are separate and we only have to look at one at a time.

Have I done any programming today? Meh. I guess I’ve tinkered a little? I didn’t do as much writing as I would have liked yesterday because I spent several hours trying to debug this crummy static blog software. I really thought it would be faster just to grab a tool and a theme and go. But what I’ve found over the years with these static site generators is that they really really really want to hard-code the URL where they’ll eventually be hosted. And I don’t get that at all. HTML has relative URLs, why not use them for everything? Then you can test the final build on a test server anywhere so you don’t have to risk bugs being introduced in the differences between a test build and the published version. But no. *sigh* Web devs.

Anyway. It turned out there was a bug where it was computing relative URLs for the stylesheets and scripts once and then caching those values. But…the pages are in different directories so they’re guaranteed to be wrong for some of the pages. And the code structure of the site compiler is incredibly unnecessarily convoluted, so it took me three hours to track down which caching code was doing the caching that was the problem.

And then this morning I filed a bug and someone immediately responded that it had just recently been fixed in the dev version. Woo! Oh well, at least it works now.

I imagine there are still things that I’ll want to chop out of the theme: it claims to be minimal but still had, like, “share this post to (12 different social media sites)” links. And things like that. And for some reason the posts are under a “Writing” section instead of it being purely a blog with ordered posts? Dunno. I’ll probably end up making my own theme at some point but I don’t want to spend too much time on it now. The plan was to try building a new habit for #Blaugust and only spend 10-20 minutes a day on it. Whoops. Nah, I didn’t spend too long on it today.